ZEBULE N°6 - ULTIME - page 37

Mapplethorpe's self-portrait, his face prematurely aged by sickness, holding a death’s head cane, guards the entrance. The retrospective is
constructed in reverse chronology and begins with a row of magnificent bodies, sculpted by the photographer's perfectly mastered light. Erected
as a row of Roman columns, pristine gelatin silver prints give way to platinum prints on linen paired with fields of coloured fabric; we are at the
height of the perfection for which Mapplethorpe strove. The essential themes of his work are all here: Catholicism, his passion for black male
and sculptural female bodies, the gay scene and sadomasochism. Many of the photographer’s icons have been reunited in a selection that
covers different printing techniques he used, in both black and white and colour. On one large wall his most famous portraits of New York
celebrities are organized around the king of Pop, Andy Warhol. A selection of Polaroids intimately reveals those who influenced his life: Patti
Smith, his partner and muse, or Sam Wagstaff,his lover and mentor. A cabinet of curiosities, with a peep show-type entrance, houses his
photographs of sexual acts and penises, exquisite as his flowers.
The other works which punctuate the exhibition - conceptual frames, folding screen, sculpture, collages and installations - are a reminder that
Mapplethorpe had a passion for the object and is considered an artist rather than a photographer.
Robert Mapplethorpe
, through July 13, 2014 - Grand Palais (southeast wing), Paris -
, through September 21, 2014 - Musée Rodin, Paris -
Robert Mapplethorpe is doubly honoured in Paris with a retrospective of 250 prints at
the Grand Palais and an exhibition/juxtaposition at the Musée Rodin alongside works
by the sculptor.
Leather crotch,
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