ZEBULE N°6 - ULTIME - page 28

A naked woman here, a brightly-coloured page there: he creates where
inspiration takes him. At rst his collages were complex; experimenting
led him to simpli cation, and something much more personal.
“[It’s] so fun
to do, fabulous, extraordinary.
” That was it, he was in love!
Passion fuels this endeavour. For Bruno, photo collage is quick,
entertaining, and intuitive. To quote a friend of his, “
you create your puzzle
with your own pieces.
” He laughs at a comment once made to him: “
funny what you do, you basically cut up naked women in your kitchen
every morning.
” Nothing lost, everything transformed. These photographs
are his “gold mine,” and a trace of this moving woman is ever-present.
He never takes anything too seriously, but focuses rather on breaking down
codes so as to give life to works of art that resemble only his own. He
nds beauty in these naked bodies running, jumping - they are beautiful,
elegant, transformed as he desires through his collages. Bruno is an artist
who conquers that which speaks to him through his vivacity and freedom
of spirit. He seeks to translate that which reveals itself before his eyes,
seeks to explore the changes and movements of our world.
As his vision of fashion evolves, so too the content of his photo collages.
Much of the money in the fashion industry is made from accessories,
he states. As Bruno sees it, clothes are no longer the stars of the show.
The purse, the shoes, the sunglasses: these are the new objects of desire.
Few people are willing to spend very much on a Chanel jacket, though
they will for a handbag.
” From this observation was born the desire to
explore the so-highly-sought-after accessory. It is with lm photography
that he delves into and assembles this universe.
As with a magic wand, it is with a simple flick of his
scissors that Bruno Fournier brings us into another world
through his highly coloured photo collages. Movement
frees itself from the yoke of immobility in these creations
inspired by a world he loves. Never rebellious, this man
constantly manipulates images to create new ones,
endlessly. Bruno Fournier: magician of the image.
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